Not only vitamin C but all synthetic vitamin in the form of pills are harmful.
Second, artificial vitamins are non-organic crystalloid substances treated as foreign by our body. They are assimilated with difficulty or not assimilated at all (especially in the case of metabolic disorders). This is why many people notice that their urine has the same color and smell as the vitamins. There are frequent cases of rejection in the form of nausea, weakness, or itching.
Third, one of the side effects of taking synthetic vitamins is increased appetite. This happens because the body, in order to assimilate the vitamins, needs additional amounts of mineral salts, carbohydrates, and proteins. Unlike plant-based foods, synthetic vitamins do not have these ingredients, and the body instinctively looks for more food, which leads to obesity.
In most people’s mind, vitamin C has the opinion of a harmless supplement. However, in recent years physicians started noticing more side effects that are caused by vitamin C overdosing. It is common that people take vitamin C in liberal amounts, sometimes 0.14-0.21 oz (4-6g.) a day, as a remedy against flu and some viral infections, while the recommended amount is about 100mg a day.
Scientists in many countries agree with the opinion that taking synthetic vitamin C does not increase immunity against cold, and its large doses make the symptoms of some infectious-allergic diseases (especially rheumatism) more severe.
The most dangerous effect of high doses of vitamin C is increased coagulability of blood, leading to blood clots. Another side effect can be formation of stones from oxalic acid and uric acid in our kidneys and bladder.
Synthetic vitamin C destroys other vitamins. This is why patients who get shots of vitamin B2 are advised by physicians to stop taking vitamin C during that time.
Large doses of vitamin C interfere with the production of insulin by the pancreas in diabetics and cause an increase of sugar level in their urine and blood. Recent search shows that vitamin C overdosing slows the transmission of nerve-muscle impulses, causing increased muscle fatigue and lowering the coordination between eyes and muscles.
It is a good idea to consult your physician about the effects of synthetic vitamin C.
Natural vitamins found in large amounts in fruits and vegetables are most beneficial . It is not possible to overdose them.